Meditation Beads
a tactile tool for intentional breathing
We’ve always relied on our breathwork as a way to create calm and resilience.
We love different breathing rhythms, but would still get caught in our heads when counting. If someone else would count, the pace was rarely right; we were either feeling rushed, or turn almost blue trying to follow as sloooooowly as recommended. In both cases the outcome was the exact opposite of getting relaxed and calm.
Therefore, we have created the Meditation Breathing Beads. By using the body-mind connection, this allows your body to set the perfect pace for yourself!
Put the ring on a finger of one hand - we like to use index finger, but it works perfectly well on any other, if it feels better.
You can also put it on a necklace as a pendant, if you feel “fashionable” : )
By holding beads between a thumb and an index finger of your other hand, gently glide down your fingers over the beads in a steady slowly pace.
If you like to enhance sensation, try doing it with your eyes closed. It will help you create more awareness in your fingertips.
You'll notice that a string has several different areas: sections with a large beads and sections with a smaller ones, that interchange in a particular way.
Those are your cues to inhale - exhale -or hold your breath:
top large beads (signals to inhale),
middle small ones (hold your breath),
bottom large ones (exhale)
The ratio of inhale-hold-exhale is defined by the length of each section, so there is no need to count the beads or count at all. Just follow the sensation in your fingers.
Hold the top bead between your fingers. Close your eyes if it feels good. While gliding down your fingers slowly over the beads keep inhaling through your nose as long as the sensation in your fingers is the same.
A change to a smaller size beads prompts you it's time to hold your breath now. Hold it as long as the gliding sensation in your fingers is the same. When you notice that beads got bigger again, it's your cue to start to exhale through your mouth until your fingers reach the end of the string.
Gently move your hand back to the beginning of the beads, and do it all over: inhale until you feel change in the size of the beads, giving you cue to hold your breath. Hold it until the next change in s size signals it's time to exhale. Keep doing it, and voila, you have a perfect 4-7-8 breathing rhythm.
How to choose the “right” crystal for you?
Let your intuition guide you – don’t think, just feel and notice what beads you are attracted to.
If you’re getting them as a present for someone, just think of the person, and notice what beads get your attention.
Only after, read the crystal properties so you can harness it as an additional support for your inner work.
NOTE: If you want an extra benefit of interacting with an energy of crystals, please don’t forget to cleanse and charge your crystal beads regularly: lightly smudging and/or leaving them on a sunny spot for an hour or so, will do wonders. Your crystals will be grateful and ready to work with you in their full capacity.
Since all beads have metal parts, please avoid direct contact with water or salt. If cleaning is needed, best wipe them with a wet cloth or sanitizing wipes.
If you like you carry-on version of meditation beads and would like to have a home-version, try also our
Large Meditation Beads
It will further enhance your tactile sensation and bring serenity to your space.
If you have a question or a special request, please reach out. We’d love to hear from you!
See our full range of creations for a mindful living here:
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Earth ’n’ Air Creations is a brand of em-body-ment, LLC