We are NYC based practitioners ready to take you on a journey of your personal transformation.

We believe in highlighting the strengths and inner resources of our clients that will help make the changes they want in their life sustainable. We acknowledge the uniqueness of you as an individual and your particular needs, providing the support that helps you thrive beyond your expectations.

Ready to embark? Something beautiful is about to happen.



Amy Smith

Holistic Health Coach, IHHC, M.Ed

Amy Smith is a co-founder of em-body-ment, LLC. She is a certified holistic health coach and former personal trainer with master’s degrees in Education and Communication Design. Having lived and worked abroad on three different continents, Amy enjoys different cultures and backgrounds. She was the Senior Education Officer for Education Technology in Dubai before moving into the holistic well-being world. Her holistic approach has been formed by workshops and certifications including: the Institute of Integrative Nutrition Certified Holistic Health Coach, Reiki 1&2, Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), The School of Practical Philosophy, Transcendental Meditation (TM), ACE Personal Trainer, ACE Sports Nutrition, The Science of Happiness, The HeartMath Experience, Crisis Text Line Certified Crisis Counselor. Amy pioneered her way into sports by catching and pitching on the boy’s baseball team at 8 years old. She eventually culminated her athletic career by playing professional women’s football and playing in the Dubai 7’s rugby tournament while living in the U.A.E. She now enjoys a gentler time exploring consciousness, the outdoors, whole foods, traveling, and continuously learning.

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Ozana Jurkovic

Core Energetics Practitioner, CCEP

Ozana Jurkovic is a co-founder of em-body-ment, LLC and a certified Core Energetics practitioner with master’s degrees in Business and Electrical Engineering. While having a successful career in the corporate world and with her own company, she discovered and pursued her present passion of holisitic mental and emotional well-being. After studying psychotherapy, she enrolled in a four-year program at the Institute of Core Energetics in NYC which marries psychotherapy with somatic work to release emotional and psychological stress and trauma. She has lived and worked in Croatia, Germany, and Belgium before moving to New York to follow her calling. Her workshops and certifications include body psychotherapy, crystal healing, tapping, and acupressure. Ozana was the rowing champion for Croatia while learning programming languages and creating computer programs, just for fun. She now enjoys exploring the natural world, consciousness, continuous learning, and design projects.