Emotions: Learn to Discharge-Soothe-Energize Workshop


Emotions: Learn to Discharge-Soothe-Energize Workshop


Small group Zoom session

Tuesday, 9/20 at 1pm EST

Duration: 90min

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Have you ever felt judged for expressing your emotions? Or felt dis-empowered because you’ve been suppressing them?

If so, join us for

Emotions: Discharge - Soothe - Energize Workshop

Learn how to harness the hidden ingredient for Business and Personal success. Emotions, get to know them and learn how to express them in a safe way.

Emotions are the “rocket fuel” of life. They help us navigate through life, to make a change if something doesn’t feel right, to connect with others, or to act if we feel our boundaries are crossed. If owned and expressed in a safe and respectful way, they’re one of the most protective forces and reliable allies in our life.

However, if we were not allowed to express them as children or if we have experienced others expressing them in an unsafe and threatening way, we might have lost connection to our fundamental emotions. Joy, Sadness, Fear, Disgust, and Anger are our five basic emotions, our “super-team” that helps us navigate successfully through life.

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Join us for practice and exploration

… in a safe, light-hearted, supportive environment to get to know your amazing superpower, without fear or judgement.

Learn to harness your “rocket fuel” energy and integrate it effectively and safely within your life.

This is a first step to claiming your personal power with the right balance of expression and boundaries; protecting yours while respecting others.